Right of Public Access

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Right of Public Access Sweden

Right of Public Access Sweden

Sweden has a very special right, namely the right to recreate anywhere in Sweden where you want. That right is called Right of Public Access Sweden, or Allemansrätten. And every tourist benefits optimally from this!

Allemänsrätten is unique and is an important part of the Swedish way of life: everyone has the right to enjoy the beautiful country.
That does not mean that you are free to pitch your tent wherever you want, take a dip in any lake, go hiking, horseback riding or boating wherever you like or pick flowers, berries or mushrooms from the wild. There are a number of conditions for the Allemansrätten to run smoothly.

The most important thing: respect for nature. And that means that it is prohibited to affect, damage or disturb flora or fauna.
Leave the place where you recreate exactly as you found it: so take everything with you. Particularly waste, of course.

Thanks to the Right of Public Access, we can move freely in Swedish nature. The Right of Public Access works if everyone takes responsibility for assessing what is appropriate by reading the landscape and assessing the situation. Different activities, places and times determine what you can do or not. Together, it is our common responsibility to use this old custom with care. Therefore, it is important to have knowledge about which rights and obligations that are included in the Right of Public Access.

During the mandatory instruction, before the start of the tour, we will discuss the most important points of the Right of Public Access. But it certainly doesn't hurt to inform yourself sufficiently. Below is a link to the Naturvårdsverket website. Here they discuss in detail all aspects of the Right of Public Access. There is also a video below. This video discusses many matters relating to the Right of Public Access.

Click on the link and watch the video for more information about the Right of Public Access.

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